Tuesday, April 24, 2012


This assignment was to create a visual using only typography to represent an image in the way the words were placed or shaped and in the colors used as well.  The main purpose of this assignment was to work with typographical conveyance. I chose to create a flower, because I wanted to be able to include the various elements of the flower and have variety in the type used (leaf, seeds, petal, stem).

The type doesn't have strong alignment in terms of right-justified or left-justified, etc., but works more to create the overall feel of a flower and create a strong connection in the placement to create the rough shapes of the parts of the flower even though it's more random.

The colors I used help the viewer know that this is a flower, as they are standard "flower colors." By using colors that one would see in a flower out in nature, the overall feel of the design really emphasizes the purpose and the theme of the design. I used all CMYK colors.

I used some warp text effects to alter the shapes of some of the words, but mostly just rotated them to fit the design. I used a variety of sizes of type, but used all the same regular style of font to keep it unified and connected throughout. I chose a sans-serif font to make it more simplistic and not as distracting as it is more clean and modern in its appearance.

The proximity and repetition of each word is crucial to this design- the words needed to be very close together for the feel of the shapes of the components to be realized and understood by the audience. If they had been very spread out and not touching, it would have been much more difficult for the purpose to be made clear.

There isn't a specific intended audience for this design, but I feel that it could be relevant to a wide variety of audiences for various purposes.

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