Thursday, February 9, 2012

Grouping activity- Conveying 7 concepts

I wanted the color to be the same for all the triangles to keep them unified, and I chose to use the pyramid shape to also try to show that these individual shapes are all coming together to create one shape, still echoing the triangle idea overall as well.

 For celebration, I wanted to echo the idea of bubbles, such as in champagne, or something that would signify a celebration of sorts. I wanted to use a light, airy, fun color, and various sizes to try to show movement as they decrease in size as they go upward, as bubbles do.
For isolation, I grouped 8 of the tear drop shape together inside a larger one, all facing the same upward direction and in a light color, to show that they are united and cheerful and all going the same way together as one group. I made the isolated tear drop shape darker to show the difference in the "mood" of the shapes. By using the color blue, I think it reinforces the idea of sadness and depression that also comes along with isolation. I also made it face downward to try to show that more depressed and isolated feeling as it is not included in the rest of the group.

 For escape, I wanted to show the idea of everyone going one way, and the lone shape escaping and altering its course to go the opposite way and break free from the pack. I chose to use a gradient to try to convey the idea of movement, and I chose black because escaping to me suggests darkness and secrecy and not something that is done in broad daylight or in happy situations.
 For intimidation, I made ten of the same shape in a dark color decreasing in size from top to bottom to try to show that they are pressing down on the single shape at the bottom. The darkness in color is to show that they are bolder and stronger than the other shape. The shape at the bottom is the one being intimidated, and it is light in color to show that it is shrinking away and diminishing itself in fear of the other, bigger shapes that are intimidating it.
 I chose to use a plus sign shape for logic because it is a mathematical symbol and also looks very organized and structured when grouped together. I wanted straight lines and clean, simple colors to show order and control and just a consistent pattern that was very basic but makes sense, to try to show the idea of it being logical and intentional.
I wanted anarchy to just look like total chaos and disorder, and I think this arrow shape demonstrates that well. They are all going in different directions, they're all different sizes, and there is no rhyme or reason to it. They all are the same color, though, to show the idea that they should be united, but that there is nothing causing them to be so, which I think also depicts the idea of anarchy and the absence of leadership and government.

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